Natalia Cheshenko, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Natalia Cheshenko, PhD
Natalia was educated and trained as a molecular virologist and has developed a unique expertise in many aspects of virology and cell biology. Her most powerful skills include 4D confocal microscopy and the development of novel assays for the evaluation of Calcium signaling pathways.
Natalia has made significant strides in understanding the mechanisms by which HSV-2 enters cells, particularly the role of calcium signaling. She is currently exploiting these findings to develop novel antivirals for the treatment and prevention of HSV-2 infection.
Key references
HSV activates Akt to trigger calcium release and promote viral entry: novel candidate for treatment and suppression. Cheshenko, N et al. FASEB J. 2013. 27(7):2584-99
Herpes simplex virus triggers activation of calcium signaling pathways. Cheshenko, N et al. J. Cell Biol. 2003; 163(2):283-93